Saturday, April 5, 2008

Match Report: 2008 Double Tap Championship

The last weekend in March, March 28-30, marked the 4th annual Double Tap Championship held at the Double Tap Ranch in Wichita Falls, TX. The DTC is generally considered to be the exact polar opposite of the Florida Open match. Whereas the Florida Open contains solely "Classic" style targets (with no upper A/B zone - that's the "head"), and generally has a lot of long shots on wide open targets. This leads to hit factors normally in the 6-8 range, meaning its a relatively slow match where points really count more than speed. The DTC, on the other hand, is completely "Metric" targets, features few long shots, and is generally up close, in your face, run-and-gun, hose fest type stuff. Any loss of speed kills on these high adrenaline stages, any little hesitation or conservative moments will bleed you of match points quickly.

Here's my video - hit the DR Performance Shooting site for the rest of the article!


catfish said...

how'd the new blaster run in the dust??

I've said for some time now that if your gun can work through a weekend of dust and wind at double tap, it'll work anywhere!

DaveRe said...

Gun worked just fine, actually. I fed it a bad piece of ammo on the last stage, unfortunately. When the wind started to blow up the fine red dust on the last two stages of Sunday, I put a plastic bag over it - nothing I wouldn't do with any other gun. I don't see a reason to cause undue wear, and all that. The gun didn't even get "crunchy" actually.

The interesting thing was, though, I saw quite a number of guns puking on Friday, while I was there checking the stages out, and saw a couple of guns break parts, too. It was a rough match that way for several folks, unfortunately, including Dave Thomas who was there from USPSA HQ - he broke his extractor on the last round of his last stage... Bummer ;)

catfish said...

Double Tap will definately let you know if your gun works!

Glad the new blaster ran 100% - Brazos builds probably the only open guns that I see work flawlessly all the time. If I ever get around to shooting Open, he'll definately be on the list of people I call to build one up.

DaveRe said...

For the record... one bad round is less than 100% ;) But, that one wasn't actually the gun's fault... I wish I could've found that round, though - it would make me feel a lot better if I could get a look at it...

catfish said...

Bad ammo's the operator's fault, not the gun's. ;)

Here's a question about Brazos - is it possible to build an open gun that doesn't beat the snot out of the shooter? Every open gun I've ever played with makes my spleen feel like it's coming apart and hurts my teeth.

DaveRe said...

Ummmm.... close your mouth? :D

The thing with Open guns is that they're going to have some concussion to them. Double plugging normally fixes most of it. The physical sensation of the concussion is something you get used to pretty quickly, once your brain expects that feedback when you pull the trigger (basically, your brain needs enough exposure to learn that the sensation will happen as a result of pulling the trigger, and then it won't bug you again).

My Brazos gun doesn't beat me up, that I notice. You're welcome to shoot it and see what you think. I do notice that the 5" gun that I shoot has a bit less concussion than the shorter Sx guns do.

To further reduce it, make sure you're shooting 125s - low pressure means lower concussion, as well...

catfish said...

How 'bout an A6 report??

How'd you do??

DaveRe said...

Patience, man :D I just got back into town tonight - video will be ripped tomorrow, and I should hopefully get a post up then ;)